Tuesday, February 21, 2006

In the end, sleep prevailed.

Should I do my work first then sleep? Or sleep a couple of hours first then wake up early to work? These are always the questions facing me at the end of a slacking period as I face deadlines. In the end, I let my body win over my pride. And my body answered:

"You shall sleep, and you shall sleep a full decent amount of sleep."

Late homeworks in the making!

Friday, February 10, 2006

How to Wake up Early: The Cure to Inability to wake up early

You are studying overseas. You sleep late and wake up late, usually at lunch time. You do this consistently even though you tell yourself everyday its time to change the bad habit. Sounds familiar?

Anyway I discovered how to cure this today.

1. You need to leave your music on.

2. You need to sleep in the opposite direction, ie your head is on where your feet normally are.

3. You need a friend to call you from overseas, not knowing that its morning over at your country, and have a nice conversation for about 10 minutes at least.

And it really works. I will explain my hypothesis on the mechanism later. This is a big step forward for future ponchos!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Today 오늘
Yesterday 어제
Tomorrow 내일
Day Before Yesterday 그저께
2 Days Later 이틀후
3 Days Ago 삼일전
3 Days Later 삼일후
Now 지금

How to Count from 1 to 10 in Hangul

1. 하나
2. 둘
3. 셋
4. 넷
5. 다섯
6. 여섯
7. 일곱
8. 여덟 (p. 여덜)
9. 아홉
10. 열

How to Count 1 to 10 in Sino-korean Words

1. 일
2. 이
3. 삼
4. 사
5. 오
6. 육 (p. 륙)
7. 칠
8. 팔
9. 구
10. 십